Friday, December 11, 2009

Enough misery to go around.

So, last night wasn't the best night ever. John went to bed at 9:30 and 2 hrs later was still awake. I know this because that's when I fell asleep. Fast forward to 1:40 and both girls are climbing in bed with me and John is nowhere to be found. I assumed he got up to do something with work (it's not entirely unusual for a program to have to be started at odd hours), and started to get the girls settled in when I realized Jasmine was holding back vomit (there is no mistaking that jerking torso). We didn't quite make it to the bathroom. I sent Jocelyn for John to come help out and fortunately clean up was pretty quick and easy but she spent the next hour or so running her razor sharp toenails up and down my leg (and yes, those toenails are now history). I kicked Jocelyn out after I found a wet spot on the side of my bed where she had been sitting, so at least she wasn't there spreading the love. Next morning I go to get the boys up and find Jared clutching his stomach and groaning and Joseph was complaining about a headache, so I sent everyone back to bed. By 9 Jared had thrown up (and other stuff), Jasmine was acting fine but had the other stuff going on all day, and the rest of the kids were great. Around 10 I took off to get stage stairs for the church Christmas party and almost killed myself (seems to be a common theme lately). Some guy didn't like me going the speed limit and passed me on the left going 45 in a 30. This annoyed me so much that while fuming about it and thinking about all the fun stuff waiting at home, I managed to make a left turn onto the wrong side of a divided highway and barely missed a head on collision. Did I mention I did this in front of a cop? Fortunately he ignored me and I continued on my way only to get to the rental store and find that the stairs wouldn't fit into my vehicle with the back two rows of seats in. I headed back home to take them out, once again failing to notice a crucial traffic law. A one way street I was traveling on turned into a two-way and I didn't notice I was in the left lane until I (once again) almost ran head long into another vehicle. I swear, I was beginning to think I was possessed by my dad. He's actually run through the cross guards at a train track because he was too busy thinking and off in his own world to notice the crossbars were down. I managed to get back to the store and to church with no problems only to realize the stairs were too wide to fit through the doors at church. I went inside to tell the other two women I was there and came upon them telling their own misery stories. One womans husband failed to put his vehicle completely in park and got knocked down and almost run over that morning and then she came to church where another woman promptly locked her out of the building with no coat, keys, or cell phone. The other woman then went to practice on the organ and couldn't hear her ringing the doorbell. In 10 degree weather, being locked outside is no laughing matter. She managed to find a door that was locked but hadn't latched all the way and got in and started setting the tables only to realize that most of the buildings tablecloths were missing, the butcher paper was running out, and she didn't have a key to the library. The second woman from our ward (the organist was from a different ward) got in a fender bender last night and waited an hour in the cold to file a police report only to find out she didn't have to because the damage was less than $1000. She missed the class she was heading to and the store she wanted to go to closed while she waited. She also found out this morning that she made a mistake with her checking account and now owed $360 in NSF fees. Plus she had to cover the missing $800. We almost scrapped the Christmas party then and there. Luckily things went better. One of the three sets of doors turned out to be just big enough to get the stage stairs through (but not without crushing my finger first) and a third woman showed up with keys to the library and we were able to get another roll of butcher paper out. That's when I took off so I could grab some groceries and feed the kids again. I didn't want to pass around the flu so I didn't go tonight, but hopefully we didn't jinx it and keep the party from going smoothly.

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