Saturday, December 12, 2009

Double posts!

Aren't you all lucky today? Actually, after some of the monster posts I've done in the past, this one should be a bit of a breath of fresh air since it will be short and sweet. We went to a local buffet tonight for dinner, and after we managed to brave the elements and get everyone buckled back in the car a MAJOR realization hit me. I've been talking off and on lately about possibly having more kids (something that never would have occurred to me if my tubal last March didn't get canceled, which is another post in itself) and when I looked at my minivan filled with children it hit me that we would have to get a bigger vehicle. Like, minibus type of vehicle. We're already full up in our 8 passenger minivan and if we had two more girls (and yes, they would be girls. I've never been wrong about this before, you can ask my clients and my husband, and don't intend to start now) we would have to get one of those 11-12 passenger vans. Definitely a thought to make a person pause. I don't mind the size, I learned to drive on a big van and I like to sit high up when driving, but the cost can make you shudder. Those things aren't cheap and since they don't make a lot of them for consumers (mostly commercial sales) the resale cost stays pretty high. IF you can find one used, that is. People tend to hang onto them for years. Definitely a thought to ponder.

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