Monday, September 28, 2009

The beginning....

Long story short, one of my sisters asked me to think about starting a blog. Apparently I'm occasionally amusing and insightful, but a bit long winded when on the phone (though she didn't actually state the long winded part, I was still able to read between the lines). Ergo, a blog. All the cute and funniness of me, and maybe sometimes the crabbiness, in one convenient package. No telephone ear, where you've been on so long your ear is actually cramping, and no long distance charges to your cell phone. As for the name, I'm not sure I want to go into that. Alright, I will anyway since you asked so nicely. I sat at my husband's computer for at least an hr silently cursing it (it has a love hate relationship with us. It loves him and hates me) and trying to think of a name for this blog. After obsessing over it and coming up with nothing, a flash of one of the most embarrasing, humiliating, and funniest times I've ever had while being a mom flipped through my mind. I figured that had to be it. It completely summed up my experience as a mom and life in general. Years back, when my husband was in college and I was working full time as an apartment manager for subsidized housing, I had a tenant over one evening finishing up paperwork. John was doing housework, helping me with paper work, whatever and our oldest son Jordan (an only child at the time, though that was only for two more months since I was 7mths pregnant) was across the room from me squatting down beside a toy playing. While I was talking to this tenant, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Jordan stand up with something held gingerly in the palm of his hand. I couldn't tell what it was and mentioned it to John who, along wth our tenant, turned to take a look. John asks Jordan, our barely verbal 2yr old, what it was and our tenant starts trying to guess. Due to the size and shape she asks, "Is that a pickle?" Some of you may have already figured out where this was going, but for those of you that haven't gotten there yet I'll add a few details that I left out. As I mentioned before Jordan was two, and being two, we had decided it was time to potty train. And since we were potty training, Jordan's lower half was naked. See where I'm going with this now? Yes, Jordan was standing across the living room while I talked to a client for my new job (I had only been there a month and the office was out of my home) holding one of the largest turds ever to come out of a two yr olds rear. John almost immediately figured out what it was and rushed for Jordan, taking him to the bathroom to flush it, wash his hands (scrub them, actually), and put a diaper on him. And what did I do? I put my head on my desk and laughed until I cried. It was either that or die of embarrassment. So that's how I ended up with my blog name; when between a rock and a hard place, I decided to throw my hands up in the air and laugh. Hopefully we'll do a lot of laughing along the way and at the end of it, I'll be a better mom and more rounded person. As for you, if nothing else, I'll do my best to entertain you.


  1. Welcome to the land of Blogging!!!! It's a GREAT way to record your family life and then you can make it into a book :-) ( It's one of the commandments that i can keep well! LOL

  2. So how many more pickles have you found while potty-training 4 more kids?
    Pickles aren't so bad, they're solid. Lol!

    I'm looking forward to reading more from you!


    So glad you made it and for the record, you are not long winded, you just have the gift of gab. :)

  4. That story is one to hold on to and hold over his head too! All you'll have to say is, "Do you want the pickle story?" Hopefully it will work a few times for ya. Welcome to blogland!

  5. Unfortunately over the yrs, I've found far far too many more pickles to count.
