Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Flimsy excuses.

I may be one of a small minority, but I hate A Baby Story. Oh, and don't get me started on Deliver Me. So my rant doesn't get too long, I'll just focus on A Baby Story and what set me off today. While flipping channels, I passed the beginning of one of todays shows. The parents have moved while two weeks away from their due date and are working out the getting settled in and unpacked, knowing the baby could come any day. No worries, it happens to the best of us. Then the mom goes on to say that her doctors have suggested they schedule an induction. Her first baby delivered in a relatively short 8hrs and now they are an hour away from the hospital they are worried she won't get there in time. Throw in the big baby card and Voila! you have a birth with a set start time, and due to induction procedures in most hospitals, a pretty good idea of when it will end and no sign of evidenced-based practice in sight. I just ran out of time (school conferences), but this is definitely a subject I will be revisiting.

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